Water runs without a control down Kerch streets, again. Thus, the locals published a photo of thenext busted water main in the social network. ‘There is a lack of water in Crimea. In Kerch, down LevTolstoy Street, the streams of clean water run!’, complain Kerch citizens, clarifying that the riverpoured down in the intersection of Deikalo and L. Tolstoy Streets.
It is worth mentioning that, due to the all-time record drought as well as the mismanagement of theoccupying authorities, the water-supply engineering schedules have been available in Simferopol,Simferopol Region, and Bakhchisaray Region, as well, since the end of August. In addition, Crimeanauthorities are predicting that the present restrictions will function to March 2021. In general, thescheduled water-supply engineering or water transport have been introduced in 29 Crimeansettlements.

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