Three-year-old Musa Suleymanov who went missing in Crimea three days ago has been found dead.
Small Musa was a son of Kremlin’s political prisoner, Crimean Tatar journalist Ruslan Suleymanov.
The discovery of the body was announced by the so-called ‘emergency situation minister in theRepublic of Crimea’ Sergei Shakhov.
‘Unfortunately, the body of a three-year old child was discovered with no vital signs. The investigationis ongoing’, the occupation’s representative said.
It is worth mentioning that while hundreds of volunteers and activists were involved in search for themissing boy, the so-called ‘law-enforcement bodies’ tried to put the blame on Musa’s mother.
Moreover, Russian mass-media made-up an embarrassing story featuring a neighbour of theSuleymanovs, who told about happy life of Musa and his parents in occupied Crimea, forgetting thefact that boy’s father had been illegally kept in the detention centre for 1.5 years.

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