It is impossible to hold international talks with Russia on Crimea now, the U.S. Special Representativefor Ukraine, Ambassador Kurt Volker says.
‘I’d put it slightly different. I raised this with Russia, and they refuse to discuss it. They say, “No thereis no issue, Crimea is a part of Russia, there’s nothing to talk about’. I see no possibilities for futurenegotiations so far, that’s why we need to put greater international pressure on Russia. This is wherewe need the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and maybe NATO’, Volker said.
According to him, countries need to raise their voices about Russia’s seizure of Crimea and to putincreased pressure on Russia to stop the occupation of Crimea and return the territory. ‘They don’twant to discuss it now, that’s why we need to put greater pressure’, the U.S. Special Representativefor Ukraine added.

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