The criminal State Duma of the aggressor power is looking into streamlining the procedure for employing teenagers since the age of 14.
According to the “legislators”, this way it will be easier to form manpower reserves from among the youths.
We believe that such proposals will naturally result into the “employment” of teenagers at the front lines or within the country’s defense industry, including in occupied Crimea.
The fact is that the aggressor power has long been promoting the idea through the so-called ONF (a criminal movement titled “All-Russian People’s Front”) with an illegitimate representative office in occupied Simferopol.
It is noteworthy that ONF acted as a kind of buffer to check the level of loyalty of local collaborators, the most prominent of which was the infamous Natalia Poklonskaya, who once topped the Prosecutor’s Office in occupied Crimea.

The curator for the ONF in Crimea was Mikhail Anisimov, the dictator’s former major figure in his administration up until 2014, who now heads the ONF’s audit commission and executive committee.
In the wake of the “strengthening of the youth movement” on the occupied peninsula, which followed the treacherous operation “Crimean Spring”, Putin never wanted to surrender control of his brainchild to Comrade Anisimov. In 2018, a major purge and personnel reshuffle was launched. Vyacheslav Volodin, now Chairman of the criminal State Duma, was appointed a lead supervisor over Anisimov.

The new ONF co-chairs are Kogogin and Shmeleva, both active members of the campaign headquarters during Putin’s unconstitutional elections of 2018.
The lower echelons of ONF also succumbed to some transformation. Director of the Research Institute for Emergency Pediatric Surgery Leonid Roshal, head of the Sirius Educational Center Elena Shmeleva, KamAZ CEO Sergey Kogogin, Co-Chairman of the Immortal Regiment of Russia NGO Elena Tsunaeva, and Vice-Rector of the RANEPA Alexei Komissarov were all on the new team.

In fact, certain resubordination occurred, in line with the clan principle. Part of the control in the occupied Crimea was handed to groups responsible for controlling financial flows from the Russian budget to the occupied peninsula in the field of health care and science.
Some were entrusted to representatives of the aggressor’s defense industry. A kind of control symbiosis was formed by the principle of “divide and conquer”, which the Putin regime preaches.
Despite the fact that the goals of the organization are quite humane at first glance – the issues of improving the quality of life and protecting civil rights, the organization was created on Putin’s direct instructions under the criminal slogan “All for victory.”
Or, better say, for forming manpower reserves politically loyal to the regime, the main wing of which consisted of young people and adolescents.
At one time, leaders of the fascist German youth movement used similar methods, enthusiastically seizing on the idea. In 1943, it was the formation of the Hitler Youth by a similar principle that Axmann promoted, later turning to Himmler with an official request to create a division of youths for the front.
To be continued in the next part of the investigation…

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