In framework of permanent co-operation with United Nations’ bodies our Association sent submission to UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights on issues of sexual and gender discrimination in Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine for relevant Group’s report to be presented to the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in October 2024
ARC’s submission, prepared by Professor Borys Babin and published at UN web-sources now, stats that in last months aggressor’s activities against LGBT become “legalized”, as on November 30, 2023, the Russian Supreme court “banned the activities” of the fake “International LGBT Social Movement”, although even the regulatory acts of Russia “allow only a really existing organization to be recognized as extremist” and evidently there is no such structure as “International LGBT social movement”.
ARC stressed that such “ban” allows the occupiers to persecute any homosexual or allegedly “homosexual”, in the Crimea and in Ukraine’s mainland Russia-controlled areas, under a “political” punitive “legal norm”, so it became a new form of repressions against local population despite of their real sexual interests.
ARC’s submission stressed that new wave of authoritarian repressions against human rights started during Russia’s preparations for illegal “presidential elections” in March 2024, as Russia-controlled structures promise to local Ukrainian population, that persons, who will make any protests against “presidential elections” or refuse to participate in such “presidential elections” and to “vote for Putin”, will be punished brutally of even “will disappear forever”.
At the same time Russian and collaborators’ propaganda actors use massively exactly hate speech against LGBT as key part of “presidential electoral PR” creating such “internal enemy” as LGBT representatives and structures often manipulatively alleged ones. ARC’s submission stated that all those above-pointed illegal steps of the Nazi policy of Russian government and by the Russia-controlled “administrations” in Russia-occupied Crimea, South and East of Ukraine’s mainland in areas of violation the sexual minorities’ rights must be reflected in UN official position.