In framework of permanent co-operation with UN bodies our Association sent in 2022 submission to OHCHR regarding preparation of Secretary-General’s report on the impacts of climate change on the right to food.

In April. 2023 UN published ARC’s submission, prepared by professor Borys Babin, and relevant UN report will be presented an nest session of UN Human Rights Council.

In its submission ARC pointe on was crimes committed by the Russian troops, including destruction objects of civil infrastructure, forests, dams and other melioration systems by mines explosions, missiles and artillery.

ARC stressed that corresponding negative impacts of Russian aggression against climate include atmospheric pollution due to mass extensive emissions of combustion products, the destruction of thousands of square kilometers of forests and plantations, as well as natural soils in the combat zone close to the Crimea, the intervention of the Russian occupiers in the melioration management and natural watercourses in Southern Ukraine.

All this illegal Russia’s activities give strong negative impact on the agrarian sector of Ukraine, added Association. Also, the negative impact to climate includes the destruction of ecosystems important for oxygen exchange of the Black and Azov seas due to their pollution by oil products and chemicals from Russia’s naval vessels and their missile ammunition, as well as changes in ecosystems, caused by the mass death of mammals and fish due to noise and explosive pollution under time of Russian maritime aggression.

Special risks arise in this zone regarding potential changes in the hydrogen sulfide layer located in the deep-water part of the Black Sea, and corresponding emissions, in particular due to explosive processes caused by Russian maritime aggression. Such activities destroys the biodiversity of Black Sea and its role for regional fishery, as ARC stressed in submission.

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