Expert of our Association, Olesya Tsybulko, took active part in Second Black Sea Security Conference of Crimea Platform, which started in Sofia, Bulgaria on April, 14 and she communicated there with conference delegates and with Crimea Platform’s Expert Network members.
Regarding Russia’s maritime aggression, ARC’s representative reminded on our Association publications, including issues of illegal activities of Russian maritime registers of shipping, of Russia’s ban in Danube Commission, of monitoring regarding International Maritime Organization’s resolution C/ES.35, and of activities of international fishery mafia, related with Crimea and Sevastopol collaborators, oceanic fishing and relevant global terrorist and fraud networks.
Tsybulko stressed, that Russia’s membership in FAO, IMO and ILO, also as in regional organizations such as the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution and the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, also as any participation Russian citizens, acting as public servants of those organizations, must be suspended, regarding current internationally-recognized statute of Russia as terrorist state and pirate state.
ARC’s expert also reminded on results of Strategic Forums “The Future of Crimea”, organised by the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
As we reported earlier, III Strategic Forums developed drafts of Rules of Procedure of Expert Network, of Internal Policies for selecting experts, for assessing expert materials, for expert materials’ review and of for expert materials’ evaluation, so relevant activities of Crimea Platform’s Expert Network will be enhanced soon.

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