Previously, our Association has repeatedly notified the authorized bodies of European countries, including France, and the EU about a number of provocations carried out by the aggressor state.

The subversive processes of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, of inciting inter-religious hatred and other interference in internal affairs, including criminal propaganda, were described using the example of the “Crimean blogger” Alexander Talipov from the Russian special services.

Separate cases of the promotion of the criminal “Crimean narratives” of the Kremlin in France were also indicated, including situations with illegal supplies by the French company C.S.M. BESSAC equipment for tunneling in the Bakhchisarai District and speculation with “gifts to Evpatoria” from the Departmental Conservatory named after Darius Millau in French Aix-en-Provence.

Now our Association has received a notification from the European Commission that the incidents described in the appeals prepared by Professor Borys Babin will be studied by the European External Action Service (EEAS), the ARC will continue monitoring the situation and appropriate interaction with the EU structures.

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