In framework of permanent co-operation with relevant UN structures ARC’s expert, Professor Borys Babin took part on-line on March, 9 in two high-level discussions: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Global Policy Dialogue “Indigenous and Youth Solutions for Clean Water” and UN HRC 52nd session hybrid side event “Realizing the Right to Housing in the Climate Crisis”.
On UN DESA discussion the intersectional issues were reflected that vulnerable groups face in condition of water crisis, preparing the UN Water Conference that will take place in New York, 22-24 March 2023, co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands. Professor Babin’s question on issue of right to clean water in conditions of interstate conflict on example of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine was actively discussed on event; speakers stressed in response the duty for aggressor to execute the relevant Geneva Conventions’ demands and recognize the relevant rights, including indigenous rights in the Crimea.
On UN HRC side event the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Dr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, who organized event together with UN Permanent Missions of Brazil, Finland, Germany and Namibia, commented the question of Dr. Babin regarding challenges of conflict-related climate changes to adequate housing in Russia-occupied South of Ukraine.
UN Rapporteur reminded on his previous thematic report to the UN General Assembly to the question of the right to housing during violent conflict A/77/190 and pointed on duty to provide and respect the right for return for displaced persons in post-conflict situation.
New Rapporteurs’ report A/HRC/52/28 highlights that the climate crisis is severely threatening the enjoyment of the right to adequate housing around the world and that housing itself makes a significant contribution to climate change. It calls for a just transition towards rights-compliant, climate-resilient and carbon-neutral housing. Above-pointed issues of aggressor’s negative influence on water management and climate changes in South of Ukraine will be the object of next ARC’s communication with UN structures.