Judging by the Crimean “media”, the key collaborators of the peninsula reacted quite violently to the initiative voiced in Simferopol by the head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoly Aksakov, that the aggressor plans to “revise the procedure for calculating land tax”, which can now be forced to pay “not according to the cadastral value of the plot, but according to the market value”.
As Aksakov stated, “many have grabbed land, hold it, do not invest and do nothing themselves, many hide their property in various ways and try not to pay. I would suggest that Crimea take part in the experiment”. On this matter, the “official” controlled by the “speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov immediately wrote that “this idea of ​​the Duma parliamentarian has not yet been developed”. It is not surprising, since Aksakov’s proposal to “fill the Crimean budget” concerns not only mere mortals with their small plots, but first of all the latifundists and developers among the key Crimean collaborators, including Konstantinov.
At the same time, the same Konstantinov at this event “in response” proposed “lifting the ban on cultivating land near rivers”, stating that “in many of our rivers there is no water for years, but people cannot do anything with the land near them”, and “in the area of ​​rivers, lakes and other water bodies of the republic, the territories look untidy due to the ban on their full exploitation”.
Naturally, in this case we are not talking about “development of gardening” but about the banal development of the coastal zone, especially on the “golden” lands of the Crimea’s Southern coast, where the restriction on development along the floodplains of rivers and riverbeds had a simple justification – not only a shortage of water, but also mudflow and landslide hazards.
However, the criminal “speaker” is least concerned about this, within the framework of the classic “after us, even the deluge”, which in this situation looks as literal as possible.
Let us recall that it is precisely because of the “wise” water management activities of the occupiers in recent years that, among other things, there has been an acute shortage of feed for livestock on the peninsula.
Some days ago, the fake “minister of agriculture” of the occupiers, Denis Kratyuk, admitted that “Crimea provides itself with less than 40% of its own milk”, and “for beef, this figure is about 25%”, with no particular prospects for changing the situation.

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