Earlier, we have repeatedly described the tragicomic initiative of the “Crimean speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov to “fight against Latin alphabet letters”, on signs and in the names of the peninsula.
This PR campaign against “racially inferior letters” in Crimea, as the alleged “birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet”, has become one of several “tricks” invented by the PR people of the old swindler from “Consol” for his “political growth” in the eyes of the Kremlin.
After the “feast of the winners” of the Konstantinov clan on the results of the “filled chessboard” of last year’s “regional and local elections”, this initiative, to put it mildly trashy in the eyes of the population, but appreciated by Moscow, as well as “work on the new text of the Crimean anthem”, was entrusted to such a “lame drake” as Sergei Tsekov, demoted from “Crimean senators” to Konstantinov’s henchman in the “state council”.
And so at the end of January Tsekov announced that in the aforementioned “council of Konstantinovites” they will now “create a special working group that will organize the replacement of advertising signs containing foreign words and written in Latin”.
Judging by the presence of “unanimous support” at the event from the fake “minister of internal policy, information and communications” Albert Kurshutov and the illegal “head of the administration” of Simferopol Mikhail Afanasyev, Konstantinov’s “war with letters” received the go-ahead from the Kremlin curators and special services.
Among other things, Afanasyev stated that “the city’s improvement rules already provide for measures to combat signs containing foreign words or Latin letters” and new such signs “will not be approved”.
And Kurshutov promised to “prepare the necessary regulatory and legal acts”. As iw was expected, this “good news” is being hotly discussed by Crimeans on social networks.
As residents of the occupied peninsula write, the Crimean collaborators with a “very flexible spine” have “phantom pains, something to rename, then they will probably take on monuments”. It is stated that this show of “measures to combat signs” will also lead to new corruption, which is “perfectly encouraged from top to bottom”, and that the “Crimean authorities” probably “have nowhere to put their money”.
Also, Crimean residents sarcastically ask “what will replace the French word “магазин” [“shop”], the Greek and Latin phrase “торговый центр” [“mall”], the German “парикмахерская” [”hairdresser”], pointing out that “the word “president” is also somehow not native”, and that in the name of the aggressor “the word… “federation” is generally Latin”, and that “if you remove foreign words from the Russian language, then there is nothing to hang out”.
Residents of the region raise “the question of the psychological state of those people who fight with words, and not with corruption and devastation”, adding the question “if they acquire these deviations in their positions, or thanks to them they get there”.
Also, Crimean inhabitants are keenly interested in whether the authorities plan to replace the “Stop” road sign, and if so, what specific details from the current “fighters for the racial purity of signs” will be depicted there.

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