The other day, the aggressor’s propaganda announced the holding of a “national Moldovan holiday” on December 7 in the park-hotel “Sberbank” of German Gref “Mriya”.
This show in Yalta’s Opolzneve was played out on the occasion of the “opening in Yalta of the Cultural and Educational Center of Moldova”, which allegedly “will carry out its activities” throughout the occupied peninsula, with a “residence” in the Yalta “low-budget” hotel “Darsan” on Khalturin.
Here it is worth paying attention not to the absence in the occupation press of any mention of “Moldovan guests” at the aforementioned “celebration of life”, since this was precisely what was predictable, but to the absence of any occupation “registration” at the aforementioned “center”.
In fact, the “center” is declared by the occupiers to be a division of the Moscow “Cultural and Educational Center of Moldova” created last year, with such a “talking head” from the aggressor’s special services as Elena Bulhak from Kursk, who previously worked for the Kremlin special services in the “Dniester direction” under the guise of the “International Association of Cultural and Art Workers” created back in 1993 in Tiraspol.
The actual goal of the “center”, in addition to the traditional imitation of “international interaction” and “people’s diplomacy” is quite remarkable: it was created in Moscow a year ago, among other things, to “facilitate the acquisition of Moldovan citizenship”, with an obvious aim at the subsequent stamping of both pro-Kremlin voters and Russian-controlled “politicians” of the aforementioned European country from the newly-minted “Moldovans”.
In this context, the “head” of the Yalta “center”, or rather “branch”, declared by the occupiers is also characteristic. He was the former Yalta policeman Vitaly Turok, who was pulled out of mothballs and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and to the head of the city police for public safety by 2011.
After a year-long epic with his dismissal into retirement, since 2012, Turok has completely “disappeared from the radar” and he had not appeared in the occupation “authorities”, or in “business”, or in “public life”.
The choice by the aggressor’s special services of this candidate, clearly not ready for the role of a “talking head” and “entertainer” and reading the assigned tasks on propaganda broadcasts “from a piece of paper”, is explained simply.
Moscow curators will demand from him not so much pompous speeches as operational “passport work” with the “new Crimean Moldovans” for the large-scale provocations described above, including in the Moldovan parliamentary elections of 2025.
Since the aggressor has set a “bar” of 5 thousand Crimeans for the Yalta “center”, who will be hastily made “Moldovan citizens”, this criminal “game”, in the opinion of its Moscow initiators, “is clearly worth the candle”.

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