At the end of September, the occupiers’ propaganda announced a “fateful division of committees” in the illegal “state council”, dismembering the “committee of the previous convocation” on “people’s diplomacy and interethnic relations”, and announcing a new “committee on people’s diplomacy and interregional relations”.
All these movements have a practical basis, since the new committee is not being made for Crimean Tatar collaborators, and it will no longer include Hempel and Fix, who were “sent to the scrap heap”.
The main “talking head” in the “committee” will now be the fake “chief Ukrainian of Crimea” Anastasia Gridchina, whose henchmen include the “veteran” of Russian aggression Alexander Kombarov and Karen Sargsyan, as “young parliamentarians”.
The new “deputy” of Vladimir Konstantinov, Natalia Zvenzek, “appointed” by him “to the deputies” after seven years of “managing citizens’ appeals and official correspondence” in the “State Council apparatus”, and previously engaged in “popular science” propaganda regarding the so-called “blockade of Crimea”, will supervise this gathering.
Thus, only Gridchina remains from the “old crew” of collaborators responsible for “external activities”, and the rest of the “committee members” were taken by the curators of this show “from the street”
Obviously, Konstantinov is trying to demonstrate to the Kremlin “personnel determination” to “cleanse the ranks” in the issue of “people’s diplomacy”, which is so sensitive for his curators. However, something tells me that Gridchina’s gang will spend more time traveling around the regions controlled by the aggressor than playing “diplomacy”, albeit “people’s”.

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