Among the many “campaign videos” calling on the population of occupied Crimea to “go to regional elections”, in September the invaders’ propaganda published one short “rural story” that is worth mentioning separately.
The essence of this “timeless work” is quite simple, in it “Elena Osadchaya, a resident of the village of Uyutne, shared her opinion on why it is necessary to go to the elections”.
And the point here, naturally, is not in the content of the “commentary”, but in the person of the current “simple villager from the bus stop” Osadcha (Osadchaya), whom we have repeatedly described earlier, and in fact – the sister of the infamous Natalia Poklonskaya.
Earlier, we wrote that “a simple resident of Uyutne” Osadcha was “arranged” by Poklonskaya in the first years of the occupation for a “leadership position” in the Russia-controlled illegal “Chernomorneftegaz”, and then – just for the “head of the administration” of the village of Uyutne (Otar Moynak) with its tasty coastal and other lands to the west of Yevpatoria.
We wrote that since the fall of 2022, as part of the Kremlin clans’ struggle, of the “rocking” gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov, by his “evil friends”, who “connected Osadcha to the process” in the case of “Aksyonov’s attempt to transfer a military air defense unit for commercial development”, which was about “undermining the peninsula’s defense capability from Ukrainian attacks.” On the eve of the new 2023, this story and other “thousand jabs” from “good friends” seriously undermined the gauleiter, however, he managed to hold on then.
And as a “kind answer” his propaganda servants, including, by the way, the criminal Alexander Talipov, enthusiastically talked about the machinations with the lands of the same seashore village, which were quite typical for occupied Crimea, affecting more than 570 plots, defaming both Poklonskaya and Osadcha.
From the beginning of this “storm in a teacup” Osadcha was suddenly “fired”, and in 2023 she completely “disappeared from the radar”.
And now in the “media space” of Crimea there appeared not only the “neo-pagan” Poklonskaya, but also her sinful sister, who completely “accidentally” “marked herself” in the “election campaign”, where her sarcastic hints about a “bright tomorrow after the elections” are clearly read between the lines.
As they gossip now in the Simferopol “corridors of power”, when Aksyonov in 2024 bought himself in the Kremlin “reincarnation for a new term” with the new “Putin mega-project” “Golden Sands of Russia” for the aggressor’s development of the coast of the environs of Yevpatoria, he did not take into account that “this game can be played by two or three”.
And therefore, the attention of the “higher spheres” attracted to these places by the gauleiter himself “awakened the monsters”, whose talking heads are the “rebellious sisters” with an extremely stormy biography. And the further “western” with the “golden sands of the wild west” of Crimea will still provide quite interesting, literally “puzzling” for some people plots.

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