On August 21, the occupation “media” began to relish the story of the FSB’s capture in Zhelezny Port, Kherson Region, and the sending to the Simferopol “pre-trial detention center” of Yalta resident Oleg Kondratenko, previously made a fake “director” in the “case of embezzlement of 15 million intended for the improvement of Yalta”, where, under the “national project” “Housing and Urban Environment”, “very respected people” from Dagestan laundered considerable “budget funds” in this scam.
It is reported that Kondratenko “was hiding from the investigation, hiding behind his participation in… the BARS volunteer unit”, where after “things got hot” he “signed a contract… on April 20, assumed the post of sapper on May 3, and already on July 6, on his birthday, he was posting vacation photos on his VK page”. Here, the readers’ sarcasm was directed not so much at the “sapper director” or at the “elusive Dagestanis”, but at the fact that in fact many Crimean and Sevastopol collaborators “made their mark” on the “Yalta fronts” and “Alushta bridgeheads” this year.
And if earlier, “along the path of Kondratenko”, they went into the “fog of war” from all sorts of “interesting questions” from the occupiers’ punishers along the “corruption line”, then in 2024 future “local deputies” were drawn there. Let us recall that the Kremlin, in the “best Soviet traditions”, set a “quota” of “a quarter of the deputy mandates” for “front-line soldiers” for its Crimean and Simferopol puppets at the “September elections”.
And therefore manyб who wanted to buy the coveted “mandate” from Konstantinov or Razvozhaevб or “renew their membership” in the “councils”, hastily “joined the ranks to defend” the aggressor.
As Crimean residents write on this matter, it will be very tragicomic if after the “elections” a number of these “heroes of the Foros Front” are forced, for the sake of a propaganda picture, to actually arrive for a couple of days in the “military units” of the aggressor at the front, where they are now supposedly “serving”.