Recently, the aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” began to spread a “damning story” about another “cottage eco-village” “Baydarskaya Skazka” (“Baydar Fairytale”), which is being illegally built in Ternove. At the same time, “threatening statements” and other stories about the “prosecutor’s office”, “violations of the water protection zone”, and “lack of gas and sewer networks”, as well as about exceeding the “limit of utilities” are cited.
However, it is easy to suggest, that, even after the current “information attack”, everything will be more than fine with the developer, namely the Sevastopol company “Proektinvest”, which “rented” these plots “in 2020 for 9 years”, though with additional “small additional costs”. It is not for nothing that the “founder” of this structure, Artem Dedov, was declared in occupied Sevastopol in May 2022 as a “public assistant to the business ombudsman in the construction sector”.
Dedov has long appeared in the “Sevastopol chronicles”, and, among other things, in 2017 he was a “representative of the developer” in a scam related to the “sale of an apartment for veterans to the city” from the “housing and construction cooperative” “Dostupnoye Zhil’ye” (“Affordable Housing”); as there was written, the then “governor” and now “London prisoner” Dmitry Ovsyannikov was also noted in this scheme with “dead souls”.
However, Dedov, as a “talking head”, covered up not only Sevastopol construction scams, since he had previously “noted himself” as the founder and director of the Moscow boarding house “for elderly people and people with disabilities” “Parusgrad”, through which budget billions were dissolved.
It is the “Parusgrad” scam that gives a little insight into the “roots” of the transnational group, undoubtedly coordinated by the Russian special services, which has now “bloomed” in the “Baydarskaya Skazka”. Since it was in this Moscow almshouse that the co-founder was Sergei Starikov, who, like Dedov, was closely connected with companies from the “Grossman Rus” company, established by “Grossman Construction” and which, in its turn, created a dozen subsidiaries in the aggressor’s jurisdiction.
At the same time, the co-founder of “Grossman Rus” in 2021 was the German company “Ingenieurburo R. Grossmann”, which was later replaced by a number of individuals, including the German businessman Reinhold Karl Grossmann. This figure includes a number of German companies, such as “Grossmann GmbH” and other members of the “Grossmann Group” from the Bavarian Gosbach, which specializes in gas pipelines, pumping stations, gas supply, and so on.
Among other things, Karl Grossmann’s counterparties include certain “businessmen” Evgeny Nadonov from Stuttgart and Anton Zadorozhny from St. Petersburg, working with the French corporation “D’Hondt Thermal Solutions” with a residence in Valenciennes, purchased by the “Grossman Group” 8 years ago. It is noteworthy that this Kremlin agency in the European energy sector does not shy away from criminal scams with Sevastopol real estate.

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