Some days ago, the criminal “head of the Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov announced the “development by the Crimean government” of a certain “economic development program for the next decade”, with the determination of the “financing priority” of certain “areas that make the greatest contribution to the increase in the gross regional product”.
What is noteworthy here is not so much the actual recognition by the collaborators in this “good news” of two things: the “Crimean economy” controlled by them can only be subsidized, and, moreover, “federal injections” into it will only continue to decline.
It is more interesting that Aksyonov in his announcement directly reflects the “horizons of ideas” of the occupiers – an endless, ten-year war and “logistics problems”, under the conditions of which they propose to “implement the program”.
It is not difficult to predict what the propagandists and common criminal elements contained in the “Crimean authorities”, the height of their “managerial abilities” is “saving municipalities on street cleaning”, can come up with in the “program”.
The reason for the “program promises” from Aksyonov is also prosaic: “Putin’s re-election” led to “personnel changes” in the Kremlin previously postponed by the Kremlin, in the context of the aggressor cutting all expenses, in addition to military ones.
In particular, the long-term criminal “curator” of the Crimea and other occupied territories, Marat Khusnullin, has now been reappointed as Deputy Prime Minister, but will “partially lose his instrumental weight” and his sphere of “exclusive control” will be blurred.
For example, most likely the issue of cutting billions on the “land bridge” from the Rostov region to the Crimea will no longer be carried out by Khusnullin, but by the aggressor’s new Deputy Prime Minister, Gennady Savelyev. It is obvious that it is precisely to imitate vigorous activity for old and new “curators” that the “program plans” of the criminal Aksyonov were announced.

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