In the occupied Crimea, the local “officialdom” announced the completion of the “nomination of candidates” from the criminal “United Russia” for “local elections”, which are promised for the fall of 2024.
In total, “822 candidates” were announced, while lists of those interested “for some reason” are not published. It is obvious that it was these puppets in the Kremlin that were allowed to be “sorted” by the criminal Vladimir Konstantinov, who received a fairly wide “personnel carte blanche” in the Kremlin, especially in depressed regions and cities of the peninsula.
The main “intrigue” comes down to the fact that this time the occupiers clearly do not intend to bring any “officially permitted opposition” such as the “LDPR”, “communists” and “Fair Russia” into the “local authorities” through “elections”, which is practically do not hesitate to state it directly. And therefore, it is the “Konstantinov’s lists” that will become the “pass to the feeding trough” of “average” collaborators in the fall.
The second feature of the “new elections” was another “redrawing of single-mandate districts” for the criminal “state council”.
Even at the previous “local elections” they were distinguished by their cartoonish dispersion, when, for example, the same “deputy” was listed from the city district of Simferopol, a piece of the Southern Bank and the outskirts of Saki.
The purpose of this “bizarre geography” was simple – to ensure the deliberate absence of any real connection between the “deputy” and the “population of the district”, so that no one would even have the shadow of a desire to even pretend to “interact with voters”; as everybody knows, “Crimean deputies” have completely different real and formal criminal tasks.
Now this strange mosaic is being hastily “redrawn” again in order to strengthen the lack of any connection between the current “grant givers” to Konstantinov’s “common fund” and the long-suffering population of the region.

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