As we previously reported, homeless people settled in the center of the occupied Sevastopol, both partially local and those who arrived from Russia. At the same time, the occupiers-controlled “media” are forced to admit that, for example, “on Gorpischenko Street, … a group of homeless citizens seized the territory of the site with garbage containers and has been putting things in order there for a month now”.

However, what is interesting here is not that the criminal “administration” has nothing to do with these individuals and the results of their life, since there is predictably no “shelter” in occupied Sevastopol for them, but the reaction of the Russian colonialists to the situation. As they write on social networks regarding the homeless, “Where to turn to have them eliminated?”.

It is obvious that not all the criminal Russian colonizers of the occupied Crimea have yet come to understand a simple fact – the Sevastopol homeless people can have the same right to be near the city trash can, and sometimes even more, than the newly minted “liquidators”.

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