Last year, after changes in the aggressor’s punitive laws, which established liability for “participation in the international LGBT movement” and “propaganda of homosexuality”, we wrote that in the occupied Crimea these repressions would be quite arbitrary, since in principle it is difficult to find a person who would never and said nothing publicly about same-sex relationships. Apparently, the first publicly “exposed” Crimean resident, criminally “fined” an aggressor in March for 100 thousand rubles for “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” on the Internet, was Yalta resident Daniil Oleshko, among other things, a graduate-2018 of the 2nd platoon of the so-called “boarding school” “Crimean Cadet Corps”.

Let us note that probably such a draconian “fine” and the simultaneous “promotion” of Oleshko by collaborators from the criminal “Crimean Smersh”, with a frantic search for a “Ukrainian trace” in the circle of his acquaintances, did not arise just out of the blue, and clearly not due to the rather harmless Internet activities of the victim. Most likely, we are talking about a “public greeting” from competitors to the father of the repressed, collaborator Mikhail Oleshko, the fake “leader” of the so-called “Yalta local organization of combat veterans” “Afghanistan” and the criminal “member of the precinct election commission” from “United Russia”.

Naturally, this story, “as always in Yalta,” rests on the money and land issue, in which Oleshko “crossed the path of the wrong people,” who actually set the “Smershevites” against his family. Thus, as we wrote earlier, the “homosexual article” will become in occupied Crimea a tool for “commercial” squabbles between collaborators and for punishing those undesirables for whom the punishers will not be able to find anything “about Ukraine”.

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