Great Britain likely managed to diminish the threat significance of the brand new Russian С-400 airdefense missile systems using the advanced facilities of the NATO COMJAM for blinding andneutralizing them within a short period of time. To put it in other words, Great Britain has masteredblocking the work of the C-400 air defense missile systems called TRIUMPH, as the Americanmagazine The National Interest informs. In the article, it is reported that the royal military air forcesand navy have increased the quantity of the patrolling flights over the borders of the RussianFederation where C-400 TRIUMPH systems are deployed. Moreover, they managed to find a failure ofthe air defense system, which was organized by the mentioned air defense missile systems. As thepublication states, that potentially allows the jet fighters of the 5th generation such as F-22 Raptorand F-35 Lightning II to approach even the aerial dimension of occupied Crimea without detecting theС-400 air defense missile systems TRIUMPH.
Last month, another publication The Drive wrote that the jets RC-135V/W, Airseeker, and Sentinel R1are designed for carrying out the electron or digital reconnaissance. They could fly near Crimea,gathering the information showing the ways the integrated Russian air defense systems and othercontrol and operation units react to the bombardment aircraft. The article reports that the Septemberflights were done in order to identify the parameters of the electromagnetic emission of differentradars of the air defense systems including C-400 TRIUMPH deployed by the Russian Federation inCrimea. That was carried out also for revealing the military formations of the mentioned complexes.
The Fighter Jets World reported Turkey keeps on testing the Russian systems TRIUMPH against thejets F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-4 Phantom II, at Mürted Air Base. The jet fighters fly at high and lowaltitudes during the tests. The testers assess the capabilities of the air defense missile systems andare going to finish the tests by November.

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