The aggressor-controlled “media” and social networks continue to be in a fever about the “London adventures” of the former “governor” of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov, who was previously detained in the British capital for trying to circumvent sanctions and finance criminal activities. A new reason for “reflection” arose after a London court released Ovsyannikov on bail and announced the hearing of the case in March 2025.

Under the terms of the bail, having hired one of the most expensive and experienced lawyers in Britain – Michael O’Kane from “Peters & Peters”, Ovsyannikov will surrender his Russian and British passports to the authorities and will not be able to leave the country, and also has no right to approach ports, airports and train stations from where he can leave the Britain. Also, the “refugee governor” is required to report daily to the police station in the London district of Brixton, not leave the house from 21:00 to 5:00 and wear an electronic bracelet.

Naturally, the “Ovsyannikov syndrome” embraced the aggressor’s propaganda in two dimensions: the “governor” is retroactively accused of all corruption sins and at the same time they hint that Ovsyannikov left the London prison because he surrendered “all military secrets”. At the same time, cynically lamenting that “we didn’t choose him”, the collaborators also recall the curses addressed to Ovsyannikov by the “people’s gauleiter” Alexei Chaly, and are indignant at the desire to “invest capital acquired in the civil service into the European economy”, and also stutter and that “Razvozhaev allowed his predecessor to retain dubiously or criminally acquired capital, contributed to the transfer of this capital abroad”, and therefore “he himself must answer in full for the problems that arose”.

However, it is easy to guess that if the Kremlin were really indignant at the newly minted “London dandy”, then Razvozhaev, who really had a “commercial and pragmatic” approach to the interests of the “chicks of Ovsyannikov’s nest” in Sevastopol, would now have huge problems, which it is not observed from the word vice versa. In addition, it is obvious that Ovsyannikov himself, if the Kremlin had been at least a little dissatisfied with him, would have breathed the London air for a very short time without outside help.
Thus, Ovsyannikov, as a truly VIP agent of the Russian special services, is in London with two passports and real estate for a reason, and someone in the UK understands this very well, and the aggressor’s propaganda is conducting an active “cover operation” against him.

After all, apparently, it was Ovsyannikov who was chosen as a kind of “communication channel” through which the Kremlin bosses convey their real, often quite selfish, proposals and wishes to certain recipients in the City. Well, so that the “London connection” did not have unnecessary desires to simultaneously carry out other dirty deeds that were unacceptable to his British counterparts, they preferred to keep this “rare talking bird”, if not in a cage, then on a lasso. If, for example, in the near future Ovsyannikov suddenly “escaps from arrest” on the continent or in Russia, then, most likely, this will mean some kind of finale, and, extremely likely, a dead end in the “negotiation process”.

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