Previously, we wrote about the “rich biography” of the experienced Sevastopol collaborator Anton Titsky, who “caught up” Tolmachev in occupied Melitopol, the Siberian PR man and protégé of Mikhail Razvozhaev in the criminal “position of deputy governor for internal policy”. During the criminal “governorship” of Mikhail Razvozhaev, Titsky, the fake “head of the Leninsky district” in occupied Sevastopol experienced “temporary difficulties of misunderstanding,” from which he left for the role of “adviser to the head of the federal agency for youth affairs”, and in 2022 he was declared by the occupiers as criminal ”minister of youth policy” in occupied Melitopol.

Now, the occupiers have decided to place another Crimean collaborator in the vacant “ministerial chair,” namely Ellina Airapetova, who previously served as a “deputy” for that same “minister” Titsky. Before her “Melitopol career”, since 2016, this collaborator was listed as an “assistant-consultant” of a certain “state council deputy” and was engaged in all sorts of “activities” even “from her student days” at the fake “Crimean federal university”, where she headed various “student societies” and received various “prizes”.

Among other things, having received the qualifications of “trainer of the Russia’s trade union of education”, Airapetova decided to “modestly” call herself a “trainer of the International Labor Organization”, simultaneously becoming “chairman of the Crimean regional organization of the Russian youth union”, “business coach for projects of the Russia’s ministry of economic development”, lecturer of the society” knowledge” and so on. However, this propaganda image of an “excellent student and activist” easily falls away when one gets acquainted with the reasons for Ellina’s “career growth”, which lie in her father, collaborator Gennady Airapetov.

In 2014, Airapetov, working in the Ukrainian department for the execution of punishments, criminally went into the occupiers’ service and quickly “grew up” a year later to a rather “bread” criminal “position”, namely, “head of the department for the execution of punishments and the use of other measures of a criminal-legal nature” and “deputy head of the criminal-executive inspection of the federal penitentiary service” of the Russian invaders in the Crimea.

Now Airapetov is listed by the invaders as a “consultant on mobilization and regime-secret work” in the illegal “Ministry of justice,” which clearly indicates that he has “retired” from both the “penitentiary workers” and the aggressor’s special services. Well, the fact that the occupiers sent the daughter of a traitor-jailer to violate the rights of Ukrainian youth in Melitopol is characteristic in itself.

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