As reported on social networks, Kerch collaborators will discuss the “inconsistency” of the city symbols, namely the flag and coat of arms, with “Russian legislation”. The reason was the “conclusion of the heraldic examination of the coat of arms and flag of the Kerch city district” received by the criminal “city council” from such a structure controlled by the aggressor’s special services as the “public” “Eurasian arms center”, which allegedly received a certain “grant” from this process.

Therefore, the Kerch collaborators will not be able to simply brush aside the “social activists,” and in mid-January the “city council” forwarded this “conclusion” to the “public council” to “search for the guilty”, while the “accusations” from the “heraldists” are “as harsh as possible.” The “conclusion” states that the Kerch flag and coat of arms, approved by the decision of the Kerch City Council of October 19, 1999, supposedly “according to Russian standards” cannot have “any anchors, laurel or oak wreaths,” and the image on the griffin coat of arms “must be given in accordance” with that approved in…1844.

The red and white Kerch flag, which supposedly “should represent a coat of arms”, also did not suit the “heraldists”. Although at first glance the story seems tragicomic, it did not arise out of nowhere. We previously wrote that at “official events” and all sorts of “celebrations” in Kerch, the occupiers noticed more city symbols than Russian symbols, and began to suspect “anti-Russian elements” in this. If the occupiers now manage to “painlessly” and illegally “replace” the Kerch flag and coat of arms, then we can expect a whole wave of struggle against Ukrainian city symbols on the occupied peninsula.

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