As they write on January 27 on social networks, last weekend in occupied Yalta, after a drinking session in the “Batoni” restaurant on the city enbankment, the Russian occupiers’ “deputy head of the investigative committee department”, Platon Gulaksizov, decided to start a brawl with “colleagues from the prosecutor’s office”. Since this “interdepartmental duel” began to take a “dangerous turn,” other “Sledkom” members evacuated Gulaksizov to the department premises, where they continued their nightly “cultural recreation”.

However, there Gulaksizov had already decided to “take it out on his subordinates” and beat one of them, despite the futile attempts of the “head of the investigation department” Maxim Bogdanovich to stop this “battle for statictic results”. As Yalta residents write about this, “the good news about this news is that none of the Crimean residents were hurt. Because all the defendants, including the owner of the cafe, are newcomers”. Gulaksizov comes from the Stavropol Territory and he got to his Yalta “grain” “position” from the criminal chair of “investigator of the control and investigation department”.

Regarding the video of the “duel” of the rather well-fed “Yalta investigators”, Crimean inhsabitants are not only asking the question “if they sweep their own like that, then they simply shoot mere mortals”, but also whether they are specially selected for punishment with such weight, “such as training for sumo and “benting” horizontal bars”, or the dueldants ate up their “authority” on “Yalta bread”. However, in Yalta it is obvious to everyone that without the intervention of Bogdanovich’s interested “competitors” such an interesting fight video would never have appeared on the social networks.

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