At the beginning of January, social networks reported the “registration” a month earlier at the “Gyunay” recreation center in occupied Henichesk of the illegal company “Safar Agroholding”, “registered” to the Crimean businessman Hena Safaryan from Yevpatoria, who a year ago “showed up” there at the “Armenian culture festival”. Let us note that the “Gyunay” base has long been a place of “interesting events”, and grenades were exploded on its territory and corresponding “interethnic showdowns” took place back in the distant and “peaceful” 2012.

Further, in “Gyunay”, during the holiday season, “hypnotherapist, specialist in bioresonance diagnostics” Vladimir Obod received income from gullible vacationers. It is noteworthy that in the Ukrainian registers the owner of the base is listed as Okundar Radzhabov, with whom the “Khayal” company from Skadovsk was also associated, which in 2021 was “resigned” to his son, Timur Radzhabov.

Okundar Radjabov is also listed as a co-owner of the Skadovsk-registered transport company “Trabzon ShK”, in which his partner is Turkish citizen Aydemir Kebar, who lives in that same Henichesk. Regarding Yevpatoria resident Hena Safaryan, we note that the “company” “Vagharshapat” was “established” by him during the occupation and registered in 2014 to his wife, Taguya Safaryan, but since 2019 their “Crimean restaurant business,” to put it mildly, has not flourished. Safaryans then got into a scandal with the staff, who complained about the “company” to the occupiers, and although the family got off with a slight fright in the form of a “warning,” then all sorts of “lawsuits” followed.

An inexperienced reader might be surprised at the “choice of location” made by Safaryan in Henichesk, but in this regard it can be noted that “Gyunay” has long been dominated by a criminal “international”. So, in November last year, at the same recreation center, the illegal company “Elite – 2023” of Roman Natsvin from the Krasnodar Territory appeared, allegedly engaged in “growing grains”.

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