On May 14, a number of media disseminated statements by the criminal “Crimean speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov that the illegal “state council” of the occupiers plans nothing more and nothing less than “consider the issue of canceling the decision of the Supreme Council of the USSR on the inclusion of the peninsula into Ukraine.”

What, in principle, does the fake structure of Konstantinov have to do with the events of 1954 is a question beyond any human logic; we need to recall that the Kremlin’s servants smarter than Konstantinov publicly advised “not to touch this issue”, realizing that a lot can now be “cancelled”, and not only regarding the occupied territories of Ukraine.

However, having read Konstantinov’s recent theses, you understand that it is useless to raise any questions there for a long time – the criminal “speaker” clearly decided to overtake the “alco-president” Medvedev in the global threats.

The criminal “speaker”, in particular, directly points out that “Ukraine is not the only one of the former Soviet republics” on whose territory Russia will criminally encroach in the near future, calling all these countries “inferior and non-independent states”.

At the same time, habitually talking about some “Indians oppressed by the Anglo-Saxons”, Konstantinov decided to continue to follow “in the footsteps of the Soviet press”, calling Putin “the father of the nation”, and also stating that Russian corruption was “stimulated by the West”. As the criminal owner of the fraudulent “Consol” is practically unparalleled in this area in the occupied Crimea, it is obvious that under the “West” he most likely meant himself.

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