According to the aggressor-controlled“Crimean media”, a week ago in occupied Yevpatoria, at the “TES Hotel Resort & Spa”, the so-called “media forum” “Forge of information space warriors” was held, at which they announced the training of the aggressor’s propagandists.

Future disseminators of the ideas of Russian Nazism were told how to “broadcast through social networks” supposedly “socially significant meanings”, and also spoke “about PR technologies of the future, neural networks, creative content, target audience, selling strategies and promotion”. The funds for this criminal show were laundered from the “presidential fund for cultural initiatives,” and the main “talking head” was the so-called “millionaire blogger” Alexandra Hadj (Moldavchuk). This character is interesting because she came to the Crimea from Dnepropetrovsk in 2020, leaving her previous family and at the same time in connection with a “new love” for a certain person “with church rank” connected with the aggressor’s special services.

Before the large-scale aggression, Hadj was promoted by the aggressor on social networks as a “hotel inspector” and advertised “Crimean health resorts”, and then, having gained an audience, she began to broadcast the Kremlin’s misanthropic narratives of a “general nature”. In addition to her, the media forum featured Kharkov associate professor and “cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist” Irina Prokopenko, who appeared in the Crimea, the Yevpatorian resident Evgeniy Pyatachev, who promotes the “Crimean narratives” of the aggressor on “Yandex.Zen”, and a Yevpatoria “businesswoman”Ekaterina Efimova, “the owner of two beauty studios,” including the notorious “Pudra,” “a partner in the restaurant business and yacht park”, her “colleague” Yulia Mazur and “food blogger” Alexander Pogodaev, “as close as possible” to the Valeria Petrusevich,“the milf of black transplantology”, whom we previously described, and at the same time the “worst friend” of the criminal Alexander Talipov.

Let us note that the hotel, which became the base of this criminal event, belongs through the “Holton” company to the Beims’ clan, whose representatives should be considered as Sergei Beim, the former people’s deputy and “director” of “Chernomorneftegaz” from the occupiers, who controls Crimean “fuel empire” “TES” together with his father Gennady Beim.

The “co-founder” of the mentioned “firm” “Holton” is Lucia Purim, the mother of the “chairman of the board and beneficiary of the transport and logistics company” “Sovfracht” Dmitry Purim. We previously wrote that the aggressor first “nationalized” at least part of the gas stations in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya region and then transferred it to Crimean collaborator Sergei Beym, a beneficiary of the “TES” network, as well as about the role of this clan in the summer fuel crisis on the occupied peninsula.

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