According to the aggressor-controlled “Crimean” propaganda, in occupied Simferopol, “with the blessing of his eminence metropolitan” Tikhon and under the auspices of the notorious “Russia Today”, a “press conference” was held on the “burning” issue of “new information and communication technologies” in the aggressor’s religious propaganda.

The “applied” goals of such events are obvious: Tikhon clearly strives to “show his value” and “creativity” in the eyes of Moscow curators; however, as in the recent show with not very “faithful priests” in Crimean schools, the current “talent show” looked rather unconvincing.

In addition to promises of further strengthening of aggressors’ propaganda in third countries and vague conversations about “online confessions”, the “speakers” from “Sevastopol State University” we previously described, such as “chairman” of “Crimean branch of the “Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society”” Roman Bliznyako and his accomplice Dmitry Malyshev, delivered to the “press conference” by “Sevastopol friends” of Tikhon, could not squeeze something concrete out of themselves.

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