On September 28, the “media” controlled by the aggressor announced the detention of “shadow financier” Angela Sergeyeva in the Moscow region and that “the investigation considers her to be the ultimate beneficiary of the bankrupt Sevastopol bank VVB” that allegedly “it is in her interests that the top management of the credit institution whose case is about embezzlement the prosecutor’s office recently returned for further investigation, and carried out multi-billion dollar thefts”, it was announced that “Sergeyeva will be checked for involvement in other crimes”.

Let us recall that the Russian bank “Yaroslavich”, created in 1990, in October 2015 changed its name to “VVB” and criminally “re-registered” in occupied Sevastopol and “in May 2016 it annexed the Verkhnevolzhsky bank.” In June 2017, “VVB” came under sanctions from the US Treasury, and in April 2018, the aggressor’s Central Bank “revoked the license” of “VVB”, “registered” in occupied Sevastopol, according to the “official website of the regulator” after “introducing a temporary administration”.

Further, the fake “arbitration court of Sevastopol” declared “VVB” “bankrupted” in May 2018, and the Central Bank of Russia reported that “the value of the bank’s assets does not exceed 6.5 billion rubles with liabilities in the amount of more than 12.2 billion rubles” and that “the total the volume of obvious scams amounted to more than 2.4 billion rubles”, and the withdrawal of funds was carried out through the “purchase and sale of real estate”.

It is obvious that in this story from five years ago, “the big fish ate the small ones,” since the beneficiary of the destruction of “VVB” was the notorious “RNKB” and, in addition, “Sberbank”, which received from the aggressor the role of “paying insurance compensation to depositors.” The fact that Angela Sergeyeva “came into the financial services sector” twenty years ago with obvious goals is obvious, as are her close ties with famous Russian financial swindlers Alexey Frenkel, Sergey Magin, Oleg Vlasov from “Baltika” and Yuri Glotser from “BFG-credit”.

However, the current “banking business” is interesting mainly as an element of the struggle of colonialist groups for real estate and finances of occupied Sevastopol, since Sergeyeva will obviously become a “key whistleblower” of a number of characters.

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