We have already studied in the occupied Crimea the criminal activities of the illegal structures of the “Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia” (“DOSAAF”). since 2014 and attempts by the aggressor to activate it from 2022.

Attempts by the occupiers to conduct “military-patriotic gatherings” of “DOSAAF” for the Crimean youth, as well as complaints about this by criminal functionaries of the structure, were pointed out.

These collaborators, Andrei Popov and Konstantin Alikin, were forced to state that they involve fewer people in the criminal activities of DOSAAF than the Russian punishers demand from them, since in the occupied Crimea “you can’t give weapons to everyone in a row” due to pro-Ukrainian sentiments.

However, in 2023, the criminal provocations associated with “DOSAAF” continued and the criminal Sergey Aksyonov announced that 15 million rubles of “republican funds” had been transferred to the criminal structure.

This “generosity” when throwing money into the void is explained by the fact that in the occupied Simferopol there was a “debriefing”, just regarding the “zero results” of this structure, for which its Moscow bosses illegally arrived in Crimea: Alexander Kolmakov, Igor Dotsenko and Alexander Kutuzov .

Vladimir Nedobezhkin, a Russian colonizer of the Crimea and a participant in the genocide of the Chechen people, Vladimir Nedobezhkin, who since 2017, under the auspices of the special services of Russia, organized a criminal “military-patriotic center” in the Black Sea region, was emphatically involved in the discussion of the criminal prospects of “DOSAAF”.

It is obvious that the Moscow curators of “DOSAAF” trust cadres like Nedobezhkin much more than the Crimean collaborators, although, naturally, from the expected “reshuffle of leadership” in the criminal structure, its activities are unlikely to “significantly change”.

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