According to the aggressor-controlled “media” “based on the materials of the prosecutor’s check, a criminal case was initiated on double sales of apartments in a residential building under construction” in the occupied Sevastopol. It is reported that the “chairman of the housing-construction cooperative” “Romancero” allegedly “concluded agreements with citizens on joint share participation in the construction of residential building No. 104 on Horpischenko Street in order to obtain apartments in ownership” but “at the same time, similar agreements for the same residential premises were previously concluded with another shareholder”.

At the same time, the aggressor-controlled “media” bashfully “miss” the name of the person involved in the “double sales”; at the same time, the “main manager” of the illegal “Romancero”, building houses for the Russian colonialists, is Alexander Kolmagorov, who was listed not only as a fake “deputy chairman of the public council under the department of urban economy”, but also as a criminal “first deputy director” of the “Management company of the Balaklava district”.

Previously, this “newcomer from Kuzbass” in occupied Sevastopol criminally “managed a regional overhaul operator”, a fake “fund for assistance with the overhaul of the city of Sevastopol”. Thus, obviously, the adventures with “double penetration” from Kolmagorov did not leave his handlers in the criminal “Sevastopol government” deprived of their share either.

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