Earlier, we repeatedly wrote about the inability of the occupation “administration” in Sevastopol to repair boats and ferries, without which the city, divided by bays, cannot function normally.

Now the aggressor-controlled “central design bureau” “Korall” (“Coral”), which is “part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation”, suddenly announced “the completion of the stage of development of the terms of reference and the main technical solutions for the electric ferry project” for the occupied city, and “Korall” allegedly carried out these “developments” “proactively”.

However, at the fake “Korall” they promise only to complete “the development of a feasibility study and a technical project” by the end of next year, and it is obvious that with such terms the ferries of Sevastopol will be of last interest to the aggressor’s designers.

It is noteworthy that “Korall”’s utopias received sharp criticism on social networks, since it is obvious that the aggressor does not have any such technologies for translating into metal the now really popular idea of an electric ferry.

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