As it was reported on social networks, the Russian invaders made a number of “innovations” regarding the fake “ministry of property and land relations” of their criminal “administration” in occupied Melitopol, while the invaders declared Crimean collaborator Vladimir Gamanov to be illegal “acting minister”.

Before the large-scale invasion, the previously convicted Gamanov managed to move from the “business” associated with the invaders to the criminal “position” of “deputy head of the Simferopol district administration”, as well as to the criminal role of “head of the young guard of united Russia” in the same area.

Gamanov was noted “in the district” for the simple act of mass rewriting of “municipal property” to his wife’s firms, while he himself “headed” fake organizations with the eloquent criminal names “charitable foundation for the development and support of the Cossacks” and “children’s organization” “pioneers of the Crimean spring”.

At the same time, Ignat Yaremchuk, a former deputy of the Sochi City Council from the “LDPR” and deputy general director for legal affairs of the “National Fuel Company”, is declared as Gamanov’s “deputy”; it is obvious that these thieving individuals ended up in Melitopol at the “offer from which it is impossible to refuse” from the aggressor’s special services.

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