With the start of large-scale Russian aggression, the occupiers repeatedly promised to “expand production” at the Crimean Titan enterprise they had captured. In the spring of 2022, a “revival of the enterprise” was announced, namely, due to the capacities of the “Bashkir Soda Company”, which allegedly will lead to an increase in titanium dioxide production.

It is noteworthy that the assets of the “Bashkir Soda Company” itself were transferred in 2022, with a series of obvious scandals, to the private structure “Russian Hydrogen”, and the top manager of this concern, Eduard Davydov, was one of the initiators of this scam.

Now, in November 2022, the same Davydov held a “selfie-meeting” with the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergey Aksyonov, at which he returned to the topic of “production at a fertilizer enterprise”, namely, ammophos. Earlier, the occupiers, including the infamous Georgy Muradov, really promised to resume the production of fertilizers at the “Crimean Titan”, which was stopped in 2014 due to the occupation of the Crimea.

Let us recall that both ammonia and phosphates are needed for the production of ammophos. The aggressor can theoretically get ammonia from the enterprises of the occupied parts of mainland Ukraine, but such “deliveries” to Crimea can only pass through the zone of active hostilities, and other criminal ways of supplying raw materials, from Russia, are possible for the aggressor only through the damaged “Crimean Bridge”.

However, the start of production by the Russian occupiers at the plant, under the guise of ammophos, components of chemical weapons and explosives, is not excluded, and then the issues of logistics and profitability for the aggressor become secondary, since in this format the main “attractiveness” of the “Crimean Titan” for the occupiers will consist precisely in the relative close to the front.

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