On July 21, Russian terrorist leader Igor Strelkov (Girkin) was arrested in Moscow for extremism and before he has recently been quite active in criticizing the Kremlin dictator.
At the same time, individual sources of the aggressor’s propaganda began to obviously create a “Crimean trace” in this case; for example, “Moscow media lawyer” Alexander Molokhov said that “under the article on extremism, Strelkov is also charged” with a post on the Telegram network “on issues related to Crimea” and that “the case was allegedly initiated after an interview with a resident of the peninsula”, who “read this and was indignant.”
Let us recall that earlier the connection of this resident of the Russian special services with the beginning of the Russian occupation of the Crimea and the East of Ukraine was established in the decision of the ECHR in an interstate case related to Russian aggression.
Also in 2022, a whole operetta was observed with the alleged “detention in the Crimea” of Strelkov, who allegedly “went to the front incognito”.
And in January 2023, as part of a public “exchange of courtesies” between Girkin and other terrorist figures, Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Rogozin, “media structures” apparently controlled by the latter, accused Girkin of arms trafficking.
In response, Girkin literally stated that “I learned from the well-deserved Crimean prostitutes from the Newsfront that a group of deserters who fled from Slovyansk back in May 2014 accused me of exactly what they themselves had done – arms trafficking (because they fled with … special “trunks” and sold them)”.
We wrote that this “NewsFront” is a aggressor-controlled propaganda structure, that has been criminally operating in the occupied Crimea since March 2014, the “editor-in-chief” of which is Konstantin Knyrik, a hereditary agent of the “Russian world” from Bakhchisarai, and if the Moscow “media lawyer” mentioned above does not fantasize in his usual style, then it is possible that the FSB’s persons who were involved in the apparently extremely hasty formation of the Strelkov case, used Knyrik’s gang for it.