Some days ago, the criminal “governor” of the occupied Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, decided to criminally promote another situation that traditionally has no direct relation to him personally, when, even before the capture of the peninsula, pro-Russian provocateurs did not allow a commemorative plaque to be erected in honor of the centenary of the Ukrainian fleet.

However, the fake “governor” now has completely different “tablets” “on stream”, namely obituaries of the next “cargo 200”, which comes so abundantly to the occupied city from the “next conscript set” of the “810 aggressor marine brigade”.

And against this background, the scandal with the “former monuments” of Sevastopol, installed both before 1991 and before 2014, has become quite characteristic, as the Russian occupiers refuse to maintain them as “an ownerless headache”.

As the Russian invaders themselves are forced to admit, in 2018 the criminal “department of urban economy” “excluded memorial plaques from the list of protected cultural heritage”, sending “letters of happiness” to “house owners and management companies” stating that “the boards are now theirs”.

After that, plaques, especially those made of metal and with signs of works of art, began to predictably disappear; for example, this is how the memorial plaque with the name of Yakov Romanov, who liberated Sevastopol, “evaporated”.

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