Over the past year, we have repeatedly written about the criminal aggressor’s “126th Marine Brigade”, stationed by Russian invaders in Perevalne village of the occupied Crimea and actively involved by them as part of a large-scale Russian invasion.

It was noted that this Russian invaders’ criminal formation took part in the battles in the Kherson and Mykolayv regions, where it suffered significant losses, including the situation of the brigade retreating first from the Bashtanka district in the spring of 2022, and later, in the fall of 2022, from Kherson.

It was pointed out that in order to “cover up” the losses and retreats suffered, the Kremlin repeatedly publicly “marked” this brigade as allegedly “successful”. However, now the Russian propagandists themselves have somewhat “changed their focus”, in connection with the launched campaign of “searching for the guilty” in the occupiers’ chronic defeats.

Therefore, in January 2023, the situation “suddenly surfaced” with the “commander of the 126th brigade”, Lieutenant Colonel Andranik Gasparyan, a native of the Armenian Gyumri, who served the aggressor in the same Armenia and Syria, and since 2017 was criminally “appointed” by the Russian invaders to the Crimean Perevalne.

Gasparyan privately received the title of “hero of Russia” in March 2022, which became known in May when the authorities of Omsk announced this, where the future aggressor’s officer once studied at school. It was from May that this “hero” began to be actively “spun up” by the aggressor’s propaganda in the context of “Armenian-Russian friendship”, with the involvement of the functionaries of the “Union of Armenians of Russia”.

However, it is precisely this approach to the criminal “heroes according to the national quota” that has now played a cruel joke on the Kremlin’s propagandists, since the beginning of 2023, when “searching for those responsible” for the mass losses of the aggressor’s troops, Russian “patriots” suddenly “remembered” Gasparyan’s nationality.

Now they are claiming both about their alleged “acquisition” of a “star of a hero” with the support of the corresponding lobby, and about more practical and easily confirmed things, when “one fourth of the brigade is left, the entire personnel of the brigade is crammed with “mobilized”, because the brigade died”.

However, the aggressor’s propaganda attempt to attribute the death of the “Crimean brigade” to the nationality of its criminal “commander” looks exotic even for the crooked mirror of the Kremlin; and of course, his origin obviously does not affect the severity of the war crimes committed with the participation of Gasparyan.

Interestingly, the namesake of the criminal “commander”, Colonel Andranik Gasparyan, is serving in the Ukrainian Army, and he was publicly awarded as part of a group of officers by a presidential decree in August 2022 for personal courage and selflessness with the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

And here, of course, we did not find any attempts to somehow “link” the military path of the Ukrainian officer with his origin – as they does not exist by definition.

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