An epic flares up in the Russia-occupied Crimea, with Sergey Kulik, the “owner of an oyster farm” in Yalta-located Katsiveli village and his “firm” “Yakhont LTD”.

Before the occupation of Crimea, this businessman has been breeding mollusks, mussels and oysters in the aforementioned southern coastal village since 2005, having received permission from the Ukrainian authorities for this.

Since 2015, Kulik decided to “formalize relations” with the occupiers and since then he has been “suing” illegal structures of the aggressor’s federal fisheries agency, which, however, did not prevent him, hiding behind a certain “letter” from the aggressor’s Ministry of economic development, “to develop subsidies”, however, quite meager ones.

Kulik’s oysters were actively exploited by the invaders’ propaganda as an allegedly “successful example of the Crimean business”, which ended quite tragicomic.

The occupiers decided to launder “a little money” on the “construction of capital treatment facilities” in the aforementioned Katsiveli, having already “mastered” at least 65 million rubles on the project, and according to the “project”, “the treatment facilities will be located” just on 5 hectares of water area with oysters from Kulik.

Having learned about these plans, the unlucky “aquaculturist” began to “complain to all instances”, which created a certain problem for the occupiers – in fact no one was going to build sewage treatment plants in the foreseeable future, and no one needed “unnecessary mentions” of the millions that dissolved at the bottom of the Katsivel Bay with the assistance of the former fake “deputy prime minister” Yevgen Kabanov.

Therefore, an endless “process” with illegal “fish supervision bodies” was immediately “taken out of the closet” and the punishers of the invaders even “brought a criminal case against Kulik” for … “illegal catching of mussels with damage of 6.3 million rubles” on his own “farm”.

Now the unlucky businessman is left to complain on social networks about his short-sightedness in dealing with the Russian invaders. Let us recall that the activities of illegal structures of the federal fisheries agency in the occupied territories have repeatedly become the subject of study by our Association.

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