On June 17, Russian propaganda disseminates statements by an elderly Russian spy and a fake occupiers’ “representative”, Georgy Muradov, that the occupying illegal “Crimean authorities” will allegedly “negotiate with Algeria on establishing a direct maritime trade link between the peninsula and an African country”.

These Muradov’s next fake promises were carried out against the backdrop of the arrival of the Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebbun at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, who signed with Putin a certain declaration “on deep strategic partnership”, in which, naturally, Muradov’s fantasies were not found.

Muradov’s motive for promoting new fakes is obvious – he previously exaggerated the topic of “increasing ocean fishing” with Mauritania, a “joint shipping campaign” with the Lukashenka regime, as well as the illegal export of Ukrainian grain from Crimean ports to Egypt, and all these projects beyond the veteran of the Russian special services’ promises have not advanced predictably.

The only illegal occupiers’ “stable commercial counterparty” is the Syrian Assad regime, and here Muradov exudes “optimism” about the return of Assad’s “diplomats” to the Arab League.

However, this provocation of the Russian special services is unlikely to change the “trade balance” of the occupied peninsula, and therefore Muradov is left to boast of the illegal “negotiations” held at the indicated forum with the criminal “leadership” of the occupiers from Melitopol, again about the criminal export of grain from the occupied mainland “through Crimea to the countries of the Middle East”, that is, in fact, to the same Syria.

It is obvious that the complete de-occupation of all territories of Ukraine, including Crimea, will become a mechanism for the complete and guaranteed cessation of such aggressor’s provocations.

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