As the Crimean Tatar Resource Center reported, on May 5, the Lefortovsky court in Moscow arrested Crimean Tatar woman Leniye Umerova for 2 months on suspicion of alleged “high treason”.
Earlier, on December 4, 2022, Russian punitive officers detained Leniye Umerova after crossing the Georgian-Russian border, allegedly for “violating the rules of the regime zone”. The woman was traveling from Kyiv to the occupied Crimea due to the deterioration of her ill father’s condition. Until March 16, Leniye was held in the Center for temporary detention of oreign citizens near Vladikavkaz.
Punishers declared that the girl was allegedly guilty of “violating the regime of the state border” and fined her 2,000 rubles.
On the night of March 16, 2023, Leniye Umerova was released, but she was captured, put a bag on her head, brought to an unfamiliar area of Vladikavkaz and left there. The woman was detained again and a protocol was drawn up on her for alleged “disobedience to the police” and she was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.
While Umerova was in the detention center, a similar protocol was drawn up on her again: the girl allegedly refused to give her phone to the police. On March 27, the same court ordered her to be arrested again for 15 days, and Leniye was transferred to the detention center in the city of Beslan.
On April 9, 2023, the girl was again charged with allegedly “disobeying the police”. On April 11, the Sovetsky district court in Vladikavkaz ordered her to be arrested for 15 days. On April 26, 2023, the Sovetsky district court once again declared that Leniye Umerova was allegedly guilty of “disobedience to police officers” and sentenced her to 15 days of administrative arrest.
Ukrainian authorities, members of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and human rights defenders have repeatedly made statements and appeals to international structures regarding criminal repression against a representative of the indigenous people of Ukraine.