Let us recall that a month ago we wrote about the aggressor’s propaganda manipulations regarding the alleged “need to reconstruct the Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Chersonese” regarding which the occupiers actually announced money laundering

It was pointed out that under the conditions of Russian occupation, this temple, which was in good condition as of 2014, was actively used by the invaders to promote the “ideas of the Russian world” and to directly incite inter-religious tension on the occupied peninsula.

The occupiers cynically complained that a “foundation problem” had allegedly been identified, since allegedly “the masonry is getting wet due to atmospheric waters” and that there were allegedly “drainage problems”, and the formal “restoration initiator”, some kind of illegal “fund” “My History” did not particularly hide his intentions to profit from this issue.

Later, from the beginning of April, the Russian invaders’ propaganda began to report on illegal excavations in Chersonese, in which artifacts were found, in particular, a fragment of a leg of a large stone statue and a number of other cultural heritage sites of Ukraine.

In addition to the obvious illegality of this regular looting of the Ukrainian cultural heritage and the destruction of archaeological layers, it is worth noting that, judging by the photos published by the occupiers, their criminal excavations are taking place right next to the walls of the mentioned cathedral and will obviously negatively affect both the very drainage and the problematic foundation of the historical structure.

Thus, in pursuit of criminal PR in a “especially sacred” place for the Kremlin, the Russian occupiers directly contribute to the destruction of both ancient objects and the aforementioned cathedral of the 19th century.

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