We have already reported that as part of the “exchange of pleasantries” between Yevgeny Prigozhin, Dmitry Rogozin and the well-known terrorist Girkin, the latter called the Crimean collaborators serving Rogozin, such as Konstantin Knyrik from Bakhchisarai, as “deserved prostitutes.”

Further, the terrorist Igor Bezler was connected to the aforementioned “thematic dialogue”, stating that in 2014 he “personally handed over to Girkin the money taken from the Ukrainian bank collectors. It is still unknown where this money went,” that “Girkin escaped from Slavyansk in the trunk of Amarok, surrounded by body armor” and that “the intervention of Borodai and a number of people from Moscow saved him from execution”.

Bezler was previously “seen in love” with Strelkov, becoming a source of reports about the alleged “detention of Girkin on a cover passport” in the name of Sergei Runov by the occupiers’ fake “police” in Simferopol in August 2022.

On the other hand, Girkin himself, talking about Bezler’s adventures, “gave away the secret” that this terrorist with a wide “Crimean trail” in recent years was listed as a criminal “head of security” of occupiers-controlled illegal “Chernomorneftegaz”.

The fact that Igor Bezler is in the occupied Crimea and “does not shine” was clear for a long time, but the current “exchange of courtesies” has led to a number of statements on social networks. For example, the telegram channel of the Russian Nazis “Bulba” published a “subscriber’s letter”, which not only “praises in every possible way” the criminal role of Girkin in the events of the seizure of Crimea, allegedly engaged in “cowardly Konstantinov, who was afraid to go out without protection”, but also indicates that allegedly Bezler was recently seen in the Crimea, when he was “driving from Perevalne, dirty, old”.

Not only is the fact that the main “training base” of the aggressor troops in Crimea is located in this Perevalne, where the same old saboteur Bezler can be criminally involved. It is also interesting that the terrorist “Cossack” Yegor Guzenko, who recently exposed the “theft of humanitarian aid” with the participation of “major” Yulia Petrakova and “blogger” Alexander Talipov on the basis of the aggressor’s “126 brigade” in the same Perevalne, supported Bezler in the aforementioned “academic dispute”, stating that he is his “old commander”.

Thus, the current squabbling of the aggressor’s terrorists can give many more different reasons for reflection.

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