On November 16, the occupiers’ propaganda reported on the “detention in the case of an economic crime” Ekaterina Gubareva, who was criminally declared by the aggressor in June 2022 as a fake “deputy head of administration” of the Kherson region. Prior to this, her husband, collaborator Pavel Gubarev, reported about the alleged “disappearance” of Gubareva in Russia-occupied Henichesk and the “call from Saldo” about this from the evening of November 15.

Exactly five months ago, the same aggressor’s propaganda the promised that collaborator Gubareva would allegedly “supervise the digital development of the region, communications and legal regulation issues”.

Then we covered in detail the activities of Gubareva with the “difficult fate” of the wife of an active adherent of the “Russian world” Pavel Gubarev, who in 2014 for a certain period played the criminal role of “people’s governor” in Donetsk.

Recall that until 2014, the Gubarev family was actively involved by the aggressor for a long time for the subversive and destructive activities of the Russian special services, for carrying out the corresponding fake “pro-Russian” actions on the territory of Ukraine, in particular in the Crimea.

During the period of her husband’s arrest, Pavel Gubarev’s wife Ekaterina played for some time the criminal role of the “minister of foreign affairs” of the terrorist “people’s republic” in Donetsk, but then she was transferred by Russian curators to “less public” work.

In particular, since 2016, the Gubarev family has been plundering the city of Yasinovata under the criminal patronage of the leader of the terrorists Olexander Zakharchenko. After the death of their “patron” Zakharchenko in 2018, the Gubarevs were “squeezed out” from Donetsk by other collaborators, who criminally acted under the auspices of Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, and left the Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine.

But since May 2022, Pavel Gubarev has been promoting himself as an “ordinary participant in the battles” on the side of the Russian invaders near Izyum, and his wife in Russia had a business allegedly related to “IT technologies” for several years.

As we wrote earlier, the aggressor did not leave, at least until the liberation of Kherson, criminal attempts to ensure the “Russian information space” in the occupied south of Ukraine, in particular, through the illegal use of fake “mobile operators” and “Crimean Internet providers”.

Our Association has already informed the International Telecommunication Union and authorized UN structures, including officials of the Human Rights Council, about these criminal efforts of the Russian invaders.

Now it is obvious that the reduction of the occupied part of the Kherson region and the collapse in this territory of Ukraine of all the “information and digital projects” promoted by the occupiers forces the occupiers to “tighten the personnel policy”, not limited to the “traffic accident” of Kirill Stremousov.

It is possible that it was the publicity of the situation and the statement about the “Saldo’s call” that forced the aggressor’s punishers to change the plot and Gubareva became not a “victim of Ukrainian partisans”, but being a living “suspect” for the time.

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