On the backdrop of the growing coronavirus epidemic on the peninsula, the “head of Crimea” SergeiAksenov dismissed on September, 30 “the Minister of Health of the Republic of Crimea” IgorChemodanov and announced the appointment of the “head physician” of the Semashko HospitalAlexander Ostapenko to this “position”. The rotations in the occupation administration are obviouslyconnected with the loud statement of the Russian Accounts Chamber that the 120 billion roublesallocated by the Kremlin for the “maintenance” of the occupied Crimea “disappeared without anyresult”.
Hiding behind the coronavirus epidemic, Aksenov received additional funds from the Kremlin in thesummer of 2020 and transferred 20.9 billion roubles of them for “development” to the “Ministry ofHealth”. These funds have naturally also been successfully “dissolved”. The current dismissal ofChemodanov reflects the Aksenov’s convulsive attempt to show his Kremlin curators that it is “nothim, but the people on the ground”, who is stealing federal money on such a large scale.
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