On August 23, we reported that certain persons in the role of “volunteers” of the criminal “headquarters” “We are together – Sevastopol” acting as a PR structure and financial “laying” Mikhail Razvozhaev allegedly collect money “for the front” for the aggressor’s soldiers.

As the “representatives of the headquarters” wrote then, “if people approach you and, posing as volunteers of the headquarters, ask you to donate money to the front, you should know that these are scammers”; however, how do such “scammers” differ from the “headquarters” that constantly collects money, the collaborators clarify “ashamed”

Now a new “heartbreaking” story has been published on social networks that on August 29 “in Victory Park, a young couple approached us, introduced themselves as volunteers “We are together – Sevastopol”, and that they are collecting aid for the military in the Zaporizhzhya direction”.
Further, the “volunteers” “gave a business card and said where to go if there was an opportunity to provide assistance” and when the “feeling” collaborators “finally gave them 1000 rubles” and “today they decided to come to the address on the business card”, it turned out that “there is a ritual funeral bureau at the address”

Such sarcastic wit from the “volunteers” is not surprising, since they probably take an example from the Kremlin dictator, who yesterday criminally “assigned the Order of Ushakov” to the “Sevastopol” “810 Marine Brigade” of the aggressor just for its “negative attack” on “Zaporizhzhya, direction”, which is difficult to perceive otherwise than as classic Kremlin sarcasm.

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