On May 29, ARC’s expert Olesya Tsybulko took active online participation on 7th Alumni webinar of the European Union Visitors Programme “2024: The Key Year for Global Parliamentary Democracy”. The webinar featured EUVP Alumni guest speakers from India, South Africa and the U.S. as well as representatives of the EU institutions, including Sanna Lepola, European Parliament’s Director-General for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships, Aude Maio-Coliche, Director for Strategic Communication and Foresight of European External Action Service.
Professor Sheetal Sharma of School of International Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University from New Delhi, Director of Programmes at Rivonia Circle Tessa Dooms from Johannesburg, and Afton Cissel from US Congress staff actively discussed the key issues in that event.
During webinar Olesya Tsybulko initiated duscusstion of inflience of elections to European Parliament in 2024 to counteraction the Russia’s aggression and deoccupation of Ukrainian territories, including the Crimea. Director-General Aude Maio-Coliche stressed in responce that this has a strong influence and voters must understand that their choice affects the security of Ukraine, the entire EU and democracy in each country.

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