Regarding ongoing escalation of aggressor’s provocations against global food safety and Black Sea maritime security related with Kremlin’s termination the grain agreements since July 2023 our Association sent in September, 17 next submission to IMO, ILO, FAO, PSC Memorandums, their Member States and other competent structures describing related Russia’s next international crimes and violations.

This submission, prepared by Dr. Borys Babin and other ARC’s experts in framework of IMO Resolution C/ES.35, pointed again the gross and systematic violations by Russia the demands of international humanitarian and human rights law, also as maritime security and safety, guaranteed by the UNCLOS, SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Conventions, it points also on Russian naval aggression in Black and Azov Seas and on ongoing attacks against trade shipping.

ARC’s submission stressed that Russia’s membership in FAO, IMO and ILO, in regional organizations such as Danube Commission, Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution and Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, also as any participation Russian citizens, acting as public servants of those organizations, must be suspended.

Later, ARC received a response to this submission not only from a number of maritime administrations, but from European Commission also, confirming that the relevant issues will be researched by Commission’s Energy Department headed by Director-General Ditte Juul Jørgensen. Association’s activities regarding realization IMO Resolution C/ES.35 will be continued.

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