In framework of permanent cooperation with UN bodies our Associaiton previously sent the submission to UN OHCHR regarding Human Rights Council resolution 52/8 on promoting human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals through transparent, accountable and efficient public service delivery, where our experts described the prospects of restoring public governance in the Crimea after its deoccupation.
ARC’s submission, prepared by Proffessor Borys Babin and published at UN web-sources, reminded to UN bodies that since 2018 Ukrainian authorities adopted some strategic and program documents regarding processes of reintegration the Crimea after its de-occupation, that regulated those issues.
Submission described the efforts of ARC’s experts at sessions of Strategic Forum “Future of Crimea” regarding elaborating proposals for Ukrainian government to make relevant reserve of public service volunteers for next work in deoccupied Crimea.
Submission asked UN OHCHR to include issues of transitional justice and reintegration in framework of promoting human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals through public service delivery to thematic reports and other researches.

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