On November 20, at the invitation of the organizers from the University of the Andes in Bogota, ARC experts Borys Babin and Anna Prikhodko took part in the online discussion “Why Ukraine?: Virtual Encounters – Latin America”. The discussion focused on a dialogue between academics, activists and intellectuals from Ukraine and Latin America about why it is important for countries in the region to generate solidarity towards Ukraine and how the Russian aggression against Ukraine has profound regional and global impacts.
The discussion was moderated by University Department Chair Miguel García Sánchez and former Colombia Peace Commissioner Sergio Jaramillo, and it was opened by Nobel Peace Laureate and human rights activist Olexandra Matviichuk. The subject of a wide discussion, in which representatives of Human Rights Watch and the National University of Colombia participated, also covered the question raised by Professor Babin of the prospects for involving the Colombian authorities and the expert community in the activities of the International Crimea Platform and other aspects of the de-occupation and reintegration of the Crimea.